When: March 23-28 2025
Where: The United Methodist Building, 100 Maryland Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20002
What: Showcasing art and memorabilia from National Farm Worker Ministry’s accompaniment of farm worker campaigns. Telling the stories of how NFWM has organized faith communities to support farm workers. The exhibit will also include art and stories from Farm Worker Partners and ally organizations.
Why: National Farm Worker Ministry has a long history of educating and mobilizing communities to support farm worker led campaigns to improve farm workers’ living and working conditions. Through this exhibit we hope to:
Raise awareness-Increase public understanding of current issues impacting farm workers including heat stress, housing and wages and the work of NFWM.
Celebrate history-Honor NFWM accomplishments and the contributions of farm workers and allies.
Mobilize Action-Encourage attendees to take steps to support farm workers and advocate for policy change.
Build Community-Foster connections between attendees and NFWM.
Generate Support-Encourage donations and fundraising for NFWM.
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