MFSA - National Farm Worker Ministry's 50 for 50 Skip to content


The newest member

While the Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA) may be the newest member of the National Farm Worker Ministry, its history and connection is deep, says Bridget Cabrera, Executive Director of MFSA. Miriam Crist, one of MFSA’s early national officers spent a summer working with the NFWM. “She worked with Chris Hartmire,” said Bridget, indicating Mariam’s involvement began in the early days of NFWM’s establishment. “I know MFSA supported the grape boycott over many years. The NFWM was often lifted up as a prime example of the kind of ministry the church should be doing.”

MFSA officially joined NFWM in November of 2020. “Since MFSA’s founding in 1907, we have had a focus on economic justice, in particular through the lens of labor rights,” said Bridget. “Farm workers are impacted by so many intersectional unjust systems: white supremacy, immigration, patriarchy, capitalism, colonialism. A coalition of ecumenical partners doing this work together is the most effective way to share our resources and be in solidarity with farmworkers. We began working with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers [a NFWM farm worker partner] so it just made sense on so many levels to make this partnership official.”